
We are experiencing congestion issues with PF and I would like some help 
finding the cause. 
Here is what i have been able to gather so far:

ROOT:host:/root > pfctl -sm
states        hard limit   600000
src-nodes     hard limit    60000
frags         hard limit    12000
tables        hard limit    10000
table-entries hard limit   200000
pktdelay-pkts hard limit    10000
anchors       hard limit      512

ROOT:host:/root > pfctl -si
Status: Enabled for 1 days 11:41:03              Debug: err

Interface Stats for vlan0             IPv4             IPv6
  Bytes In                   2373225842545              464
  Bytes Out                   578501403973                0
  Packets In
    Passed                      1993286988                0
    Blocked                       24490537                6
  Packets Out
    Passed                       884448549                0
    Blocked                          50612                0

State Table                          Total             Rate
  current entries                   145445
  half-open tcp                       9914
  searches                     14965499999       116496.6/s
  inserts                        145242314         1130.6/s
  removals                       145096869         1129.5/s
  match                          227954844         1774.5/s
  bad-offset                             0            0.0/s
  fragment                             183            0.0/s
  short                              30035            0.2/s
  normalize                          14897            0.1/s
  memory                                 0            0.0/s
  bad-timestamp                          0            0.0/s
  congestion                      11735216           91.4/s
  ip-option                            166            0.0/s
  proto-cksum                            0            0.0/s
  state-mismatch                    109522            0.9/s
  state-insert                           4            0.0/s
  state-limit                           16            0.0/s
  src-limit                            246            0.0/s
  synproxy                               0            0.0/s
  translate                           2838            0.0/s
  no-route                               0            0.0/s

ROOT:host:/root > vmstat -m | grep -E 'pf|Fail'
      64  devbuf, pcb, rtable, pf, ifaddr, sysctl, counters, vnodes, UFS mount,
     256  devbuf, rtable, pf, ifaddr, sysctl, counters, ioctlops, iov, vnodes,
    1024  devbuf, pcb, pf, ifaddr, counters, ioctlops, iov, mount, shm, ACPI,
    2048  devbuf, pcb, pf, ioctlops, iov, UFS mount, ACPI, file desc, VM swap,
    4096  devbuf, pcb, pf, ifaddr, counters, ioctlops, iov, UFS mount,
   16384  devbuf, pf, iov, dirhash, NFS daemon, MSDOSFS mount, ttys, temp
   32768  devbuf, pf, UFS quota, UFS mount, ISOFS mount
            pf   217    39K     71K629146K 10535077    0  
Name        Size Requests Fail    InUse Pgreq Pgrel Npage Hiwat Minpg Maxpg Idle
pfrule      1344    33736    0    10499  2104  1095  1009  1705     0     8    0
pfsrctr      152     3814    0       12     8     7     1     2     0     8    0
pfsnitem      16    17176    0        6   272   271     1     1     0     8    0
pfstate      344 145265949   0   159872 190473 175651 14822 20248   0     8    7
pfstkey      128 159453801   0   186551 23265 16870  6395  8271     0     8    2
pfstitem      24 159271270   0   186533  2146   915  1231  1501     0     8    0
pfruleitem    16 168209214   0   105937   700   229   471   579     0     8    0
pftag         88       44    0       44     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
pfanchor    1288     1589    0        1    34    33     1    10     0     8    0
pfrktable   1344     2597    0      692   163     3   160   163     0     8    0
pfrke_plain  168    19180    0    10818   834   340   494   834     0     8    0
pfosfpen     112     2142    0      714    21     0    21    21     0     8    0
pfosfp        40     2142    0      423     5     0     5     5     0     8    0
pffrent       40  2116813    0        0   279   278     1     3     0     8    1
pffrnode      88   906282    0        0   276   275     1     1     0     8    1
pffrag       232  1036002    0        0   422   421     1    13     0   482    1

ROOT:host:/root > netstat -i
Name    Mtu   Network     Address              Ipkts Ifail    Opkts Ofail Colls
bnxt0   9000  <Link>      bc:97:e1:d8:55:b0 1529467486     0 2492418876    40   
bnxt1   9000  <Link>      bc:97:e1:d8:55:b0 1311040429     0 2260699681     0   
mcx0    9000  <Link>      04:3f:72:b8:bf:0a 1127074494     0 499148751     0    
mcx1    9000  <Link>      04:3f:72:b8:bf:0a 1198061364     0 495767696     0    
ixl0    9000  <Link>      40:a6:b7:3d:ac:60 1464092217     0 1262042851     0   
ixl1    9000  <Link>      40:a6:b7:3d:ac:60 1716503824     0 1267250134     0   
trunk0  9000  <Link>      bc:97:e1:d8:55:b0 2840496912     0 4753118125 131422  
trunk1  9000  <Link>      04:3f:72:b8:bf:0a 2325126977     0 994908032  4219    
trunk2  9000  <Link>      40:a6:b7:3d:ac:60 3180587032     0 2529286504 98156   
vlan0   1500  <Link>      04:3f:72:b8:bf:0a 2324523408     0 994911784  3752    
vlan0   1500  10.90/16        2324523408     0 994911784  3752    
vlan1   1500  <Link>      40:a6:b7:3d:ac:60 1725034503     0 1757650331 92484   
vlan1   1500  10.1/16        1725034503     0 1757650331 92484   
vlan10  1500  <Link>      bc:97:e1:d8:55:b0 841039615     0 1905162366 31036    

Thanks for your help.

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