
On Fri, 10.03.2006 at 21:24:47 -0600, Kevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For example, two of our sites are upgrading all Mac desktops to G5,
> literally throwing away dozens of functional Mac G3s, because there is a
> very short list of tax-deductible charities to which the Company authorizes
> donation, and it's just easier to send the hardware to the shredder.

try to do an "employee-buyout" - sometimes such companies sell or
donate old stuff cheap to their work force. Or talk to the company who
is charged with disposing those MACs and get them to wait for you
finishing their job. Then donate them.

> Last year I gave ten weeks of electricity for the machine room to OpenBSD.
> Meanwhile my employer bought exactly *two* CDs, and I had to push for that.



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