On Sun, Mar 26, 2006 at 05:07:51AM -0800, Edi Mitrea wrote:
> hi there,


> las night i tried to install a mail server, i mean postfix. i tried to add 2 
> users, with useradd or adduser commands but i called off. later when i tried 
> to change some stuff in my passwd file, whitch i tried to edit with "vipw" it 
> keep giving me this message all the time :
> bash-3.00# vipw
> vipw: the passwd file is busy or you cannot lock.

If you are not root, please try sudo vipw or login as root and try vipw again.

> bash-3.00# useradd someuser
> useradd: can't obtain pw_lock: File exists

Same as above.

If this solves your problems, my advice is to buy a book about
unix administration and/or special books about openbsd.
AND read the faq and the manpage, after that you have very few
questions ;).

joerg "joerch" buechner
"Kaum macht mans richtig, 
schon funktionierts!"
(busack thomas)

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