On Mon, Mar 27, 2006 at 06:51:33PM +0200, Andreas Bihlmaier wrote:
> Hello misc@,
> I finally got around to setup a dhcpd in my local LAN.
> All hosts get their IP by dhcp, but also need an alias (as secure VPN
> inside LAN) on each interface, after playing around with
> "/etc/hostname.<iface>" I found the place to put the stuff:
> /etc/dhclient.conf. Seemed to work well until I tried it on my laptop
> having two ifaces (wired and wireless).
> As soon as I define several alias { ... } statements in dhclient.conf,
> following dhclient.conf(5) (alias must be _outside_ interface "<iface>"
> {...} statements), I receive errors. Here is exactly what I did:

> I hope someone can help me or point out what I did wrong.

I don't have a ready solution, but it seems /etc/hostname.if is the
proper way. In the worst case, the ! syntax might help.

OTOH, I don't know why what you tried to do doesn't work.


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