On Fri, Apr 07, 2006 at 12:26:45PM -0400, Barry, Christopher wrote:
>       Thanks much for your answers. By 'soft', I mean a controlled
> reboot/shutdown where the power remains on even though the OS has
> obviously stopped running. I have not experienced any actual failures of
> anything, so I do not the outcome of that. Induced 'Hard' failure (e.g.
> pulling the plug) works perfectly.
>       The more I look at it, and think about it, I'm guessing the
> problem is more related to the redundant fibre ports on the 350-24T
> switch, actually holding onto information about the directly connect
> interface, and stubbornly sticking to it if it detects any kind of
> signal whatsoever.

I experienced this same sort of weirdness when setting up a pair of
redundant routers.  The two upstreams, which I had no control over, ran
OSPF.  If I powered off the machine, all was well.  If I simply halted
the machine, or there was power to it at all, their OSPF daemon would
detect a link and continue to route in the direction of our downed

The problem, in the end, was that the Dell 1850s "primary" onboard
ethernet controller will exhibit link when there is power to the board.
The secondary, and any PCI/PCI-X cards that we added on afterward, did
not exhibit this behavior.


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