On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Martin Schrvder wrote:

> On 2006-04-10 23:38:38 +0200, viq wrote:
> > (usually running things in screen - though that doesn't seem to matter
much) I
> > just did "export TERM="xterm-xfree86"" and that didn't help...
> I use xterm and ssh.
> > The only result of pressing home or end keys is ~ appearing where the
> > is.

I've no idea why it's working for some people and for others not. But
setting the binding explicitly does the trick for me. Not that I use
them ever, I'm happy with ^E and ^A, which work out of the box.

bind '^[[H'=beginning-of-line
bind '^[[F'=end-of-line


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