which OpenBSD version do you use?

man pf.conf says;
rdr-rule       = [ "no" ] "rdr" [ "pass" [ "log" [ "(" logopts ")" ] ] ]
                      [ "on" ifspec ] [ af ]
                      [ protospec ] hosts [ "tag" string ] [ "tagged" string ]
                      [ "->" ( redirhost | "{" redirhost-list "}" )
                      [ portspec ] [ pooltype ] ]

On 4/18/06, Jasper Bal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> How can I log rdr rules in PF? I've seen my question appear in the
> archieves, but I haven't seen an anwser. These are my rules:
> rdr pass inet proto tcp from <spamd> to any \
>    port smtp -> port 8025
> rdr pass inet proto tcp from !<spamd-white> to any \
>    port smtp -> port 8025
> when I use "rdr pass log inet..." pfctl -nf pf.conf gives a syntax error:
> pf.conf:35: syntax error
> Anyone?
> Regards,
> Jasper

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