
Thanks for your clarification on Reyk's explanation, and thank you Reyk too.

On 18/04/06, Hekan Olsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For the main problem; it may be obvious but getting two WLAN hosts to
> do IPsec between each other via one or more gateways requires them to
> be on different subnets (as in Reyk's example).

Obvious to someone who has a decent understanding of TCP/IP, perhaps
;-) Obviously I am very much a novice!

> IPsec is very much an
> IP protocol, all general "IP routing" rules applies. For the kernel
> to encrypt/decrypt a packet is basically a routing decision (not by
> the same mechanism as IP routing, though).

This was where I needed some assistance. Your explanation and Reyk's
examples have clarified this for me.

> For two hosts on the same subnet, the "direct delivery" case applies,
> and if one want's IPsec it has to be setup between the two, directly.

Yes, that makes sense to me now. I guess I was thinking something like
a switched LAN, but thinking about that, a conventional switched
ethernet LAN is insecure as well.

> That said, it is probably possible to come up with some crazy design
> to "permit" this anyway, but IMO the administrative requirements to
> keep it working will easily outweigh any operational gain. I'd try to
> reconsider the intended purpose and use of the WLAN network (why is
> protected node-node traffic needed? Can we avoid this
> requirement?) ... or I'd try to find a good(!) L2 tunneling technique.

My (perhaps rather naive) requirement is to create something similar
to a WEP/WPA protected WLAN but using secure, open source tools
instead of the insecure, poorly designed tools that abound. I'm
reasonably confident now that I know the correct path to take.

Many thanks again,

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