----- Forwarded message from Chris Cappuccio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ---- >Are you sure the card is installed all the way?
Thanks, it must have been this! I thought I had inserted the card properly, but now I reinserted it, checked (again) that both clips were fastened, and booted the box and the interface was there. Unfortunately it seems that master/AP mode is not supported by the driver (is it available on the card?), and ad hoc too is supported only starting with 3.9 (so I'd need to get the snapshot and put it to flashdist). I wonder if it would be even possible to provide access for a Nokia 770 terminal via the ad hoc mode, or whether the iwi driver will add the master mode in the future? Risto Varanka ................................................................... Luukku Plus paketilla pddset eroon tila- ja turvallisuusongelmista. Hanki Luukku Plus ja helpotat eldmddsi. http://www.mtv3.fi/luukku