I am in the process of making syslogd more protocol independent (IPv4 & IPv6). 
I am just about ready to add a priviledged fuction for getnameinfo, but what I
do not understand is why the the DNS lookups are priviledged separated.  I do
understand the security piece talked about in the getnameinfo(3) man page.  And
I have read through the CVS comments.

I understand the socketpair must_read's and must_write's.  But before I
finalize anything, I want to make sure I understand the security assumptions. 
Can someone fill me in?

I am using getaddrinfo and binding two sockets: udp and udp6 per inet6.  I have
modified cvthname to handle IPv4 and IPv6 (passing in a struct sockaddr_storage
and using inet_pton), save for the hostname look up since I need to call a
priviledged function for getnameinfo instead of gethostbyaddr (which is only

I still have some additional IPv4 only stuff that I need to clean up.  And I
need to clean up the code I did write.  And I need to verify that the current
pipe stuff can be removed as well since the code looks to only use the
socketpairs.  Finally, I need to test it.


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