Hi , my name is takesima , a japanese .
i succeed in access avi file in remote PC with nfs mount in openvpn tunnel .

the chart is next .

gentoo( net-->(
==>openbsd( net-->(

( is remote PC .
i see and here "avi file" in "(" on
"gentoo(" .

the following is my methods .

1)( is nfs server .
cat /etc/exports
no firewall

2)( is openvpn server and this has adress of 
openvpn .
pf filter is next
pass in on $ext_if proto udp from okou-add/32 to any port { 1194 } keep
pass in quick on tun0 all
pass out quick on tun0 all
(in this place , okou-add is internet address of ( )

3)openbsd( is openvpn client and this has adress of 
openvpn .
pass in quick on tun0 all
pass out quick on tun0 all

4)gentoo( is nfs client .
mount -t nfs /NFS
mplayer /NFS/abc.avi, then i see and here this movie .

i wonder what ports is need on ( .
because the above is too fragile in the point of security .

The details is written in http://nakajin.dyndns.org/pikara.html .
i am sorry for my poor english .

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