On Mon, 2006-05-01 at 13:02 -0400, Chris Bullock wrote:
> Can queues be used to queue overall bandwidth?  We have a project where we
> will be sharing an Internet connection with another company, we will have an
> IP and they will have an IP each company providing their own firewall.  I
> understand that queuing is able to queue based on protocol, etc on the same
> box but lets say there is a T1 shared between the companies, The company
> tells us, you can have one of our IP addresses but you can only use 100k of
> our bandwidth, can pf do this?  I guess this is more bandwitdh throttling
> more so than queuing.
> TIA,
> Chris

No one mentioned it, but this'll only work in one direction. It won't
stop you from saturating the pipe with incoming traffic.

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