I am reading through the tree(3), and I need some clarification.  If I want to
correctly remove an element from a red black tree that I have found and free
it's memory allocation, this code should work, right?  

find.i = 400;
n = RB_FIND(inttree, &head, &find);
if (n != NULL) {
    n = RB_REMOVE(inttree, &head, n);
} else if (n == NULL)
    (void)printf("satisfied NULL check\n");

I ask because the man page is clear for splay trees, but I am not certain for
Red Black trees.  I looked at /usr/include/sys/tree.h, and I did not find any
explicit free's. 

I assume that since RB_REMOVE will provide me with a pointer to the removed
element, that all I need to do is free it.  

Also, is the above the most efficient way to find and remove an element from a
red black tree?


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