On 2006/05/02 12:15, John Kintaro Tate wrote:
> I was wondering about installing OpenBSD on a very old laptop (no cdrom) via
> serial line. I am aware it would take literally ages.

Transferring the files over serial line shouldn't take /too/ long,
unless the laptop can't keep up with the serial port. Obviously you
need a null modem cable between the boxes. If at all possible use
a cable with rts/cts wired and enable hardware handshaking.

Suggested manpages: slattach(8), release(8) (since the distributed
ramdisk kernels don't have SLIP, you'll need to build your own
release floppy with the sl device and a copy of slattach; you'll
probably need to trim some unused devices to fit it on a floppy).

If this isn't your cup of tea, put the drive in a USB adapter or
on a 40-44pin cable, and install it on a standard PC (you'll need to
adjust /etc/fstab to change sdN into wd0 if you use USB; it's a
simple task to learn enough ed(1) to do this and USB adapters are
easier to come by than 40-44 cables).

If you have the option of using USB or PC-card NIC, that's simpler.

One last thing - before going to all this trouble, check it's got
enough RAM to be useful.

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