Anton Karpov wrote
> > If he can break in as a lowly user uname -a will tell him what it is
> > anyway. And don't tell me we should disable that command or cause it to
> > lie because then I'll shoot you down another way.
> Re-read my message, please. I didn't tell he cannot stat os version and
> arch. But he may has to find similar os version and arch, to compile his
> code.
Hmmm, There's a lot more that I don't know about this stuff, but seems
like to whatever extent security by obscurity can actually work,
  (actually it is quite effective -- but it does have to be obscure
  -- obscure is very removed from ubiquitous (with whatever trappings))
you have a lot more opportunities with locatized "options" and such.
Intruder must compile elsewhere because the locally installed stuff
breaks the intruders stuff.
(gcc bugs as security enhancements?? -- yuck but probably effective)

Now, without an installed compiler, methinks you dare not even think
about any such. With installed and just horsing around, ???
> >
> > Back to the circus, Anton, you ain't funny any more. Pathetic is more
> > like it.
> Yeah, but you ARE quite funny. The man who cannot read emails carefully is
> always funny

Actually the opposite.
They know enough to make asnwers which are legitimate regardless of
whatever it is they are in reply to. (As opposed to ...)

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