On 5/4/06, Ken Ebling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On May 4, 2006, at 10:26 AM, Ste Jones wrote:

> I think you might be after STP (spanning tree protocol) not CARP
> Cheers
> Ste

Thanks for the advice.   I found a document explaining how to set it
all up.  They do mention that with switces, failover may take a few
minutes because of mac address cache flush time, and that getting
smart switches that can flush cache when it detects an stp change
will improve failover time.

My stupid question is, can I use hubs instead of switches to reduce
failover time?  I'm not sure if using a hub would cause any problems,
as I've never dealt with STP before.

Any insight you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,

Ken Ebling

I have never setup STP but if you were to use a hub you are only
moving the convegence problem to the devices on the end, be it a
router or clients. Instead of a few next hop mac updates between a
switch and the STP bridges , all the devices would need to update thus
increasing total convergence time.

If however you were to use a hub you could look into dropping your ARP
cache timeouts or possibly use gratious ARP... again never done


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