Joseph C. Bender wrote:
> Nick Guenther wrote:
> > On 5/6/06, Henrik Borgh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> $ sudo fdisk wd0
> >> Password:
> >> Disk: wd0       geometry: 4864/255/63 [78140160 Sectors]
> >> Offset: 0       Signature: 0xAA55
> >>          Starting       Ending       LBA Info:
> >>  #: id    C   H  S -    C   H  S [       start:      size   ]
> >>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>  0: 12    0   1  1 -  382 254 63 [          63:     6152832 ] Compaq
> >> Diag.
> >>  1: 0C  383   0  1 - 2597 254 63 [     6152895:    35583975 ] Win95
> >> FAT32L
> >> *2: A6 2598   0  1 - 3930 254 63 [    41736870:    21414645 ] OpenBSD
> >>  3: 0C 3931   0  1 - 4862 254 63 [    63151515:    14972580 ] Win95
> >> FAT32L
> >>
> >> $ sudo disklabel wd0
> [Snip disklabel intro]
> >>
> >> 16 partitions:
> >> #             size        offset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
> >>   a:      20761146      41736870  4.2BSD   2048 16384  328 # Cyl
> >> 41405*- 62001
> >>   b:        653499      62498016    swap                   # Cyl 62002
> >> - 62650*
> >>   c:      78140160             0  unused      0     0      # Cyl     0
> >> - 77519
> >>   i:       6152832            63 unknown                   # Cyl
> >> 0*-  6104*
> >>   j:      35583975       6152895   MSDOS                   # Cyl
> >> 6104*- 41405*
> >>
> >
> > You'll have to redo the disklabel but it's not such a horrible
> > experience as you might think. Just do "disklabel -e wd0", clear it,
> > and start putting in new lines. Make sure to keep this output so you
> > can put the old partitions back.
> >
>       I'm sorry, do what, exactly?  Clear it?  Why would you want to do
> something like that when the OP would just need to add ONE line.
> This is what I'd do:
>       "sudo disklabel -e wd0", yes, but you just need to copy and
> change the
> copied line to meet the parameters of the new partition.
>       Specifically, once in the editor:
>       Find the "j:" entry from the above disklabel.  Copy and put
> it right
> below it "yyp" if you're not very familar with vi.
> Then change "j:" to "k:", change the size column's value to the size
> value reported in fdisk, change the offset column's value to the "start"
> value as reported by fdisk for that partition.  Save and quit.
> Disklabel will then update the label to make this happen.
Me, I'd take a closer look at that j OpenBSD partition.
It does NOT look like it corresponds to anything in the DOS partitions.
Whether or not you redo the disklabel from scratch,
the critical operation is writing the disklabel back.
This is a place where any slipup, any typo, can do incredible damage.
(This is from somebody who LIKES to play with overlapping partitions;)
>       Then create the mount point directory that you want this
> filesystem on,
> if you haven't already done so, then edit your fstab with your favorite
> editor.  Copy and put the mount line from the existing FAT filesystem,
> then edit the copy's mount directory and slice entries to match the
> slice you defined (in this example, "wd0k").
>       Then reboot to test your changes. Yeah, you could do a "mount
> /mount_point", but it's better to reboot to make sure you get your
> changes on the next reboot now than when it's really inconvenient
> to do so.
> > So long as you are only messing with the disklabel you shouldn't be
> > able to destroy your data (well, data on the windows drives at least)
>  >
>       This is misleading.  The OpenBSD disklabel is EVERYTHING to
> that OS,
> you screw it up, game over.  It is very possible to toast a FAT32 if
> you don't get the disklabel set up right.  Anytime you mod the i386
> partition table or the disklabel assume you might toast EVERYTHING on
> the drive.  That is, have backups, especially if you're learning
> this stuff.
> Then again, if the OP only adds one line, rather than rekey the WHOLE
> DISKLABEL as you are suggesting, this shouldn't be a problem to OpenBSD.
> > but as always, be careful.
> >
>       Indeed.
> --
> Joseph C. Bender
> jcbender on domain benderhome dot net

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