On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 04:35:46PM -0400, Michael Erdely wrote:
> Janjaap van Velthooven wrote:
> >>Luke Bakken wrote:
> >>>>cmd1 2>&1 >$WHERE
> >What you would want is 
> >cmd1 >$WHERE 2>&1
> I was going to respond with the exact same thing.  Then, just for kicks, 
> I decided to read ksh(1) from 3.9 and searched for "2>".  I found:
> "$ cat /foo/bar 2>&1 > /dev/null | cat -n"
> Here's a patch:
> --- ksh.1.orig  Wed May 10 16:33:50 2006
> +++ ksh.1       Wed May 10 16:34:27 2006
> @@ -2108,7 +2108,7 @@
>  pipelines are created and in the order they are given, so the following
>  will print an error with a line number prepended to it:
>  .Pp
> -.D1 $ cat /foo/bar 2\*(Gt&1 \*(Gt /dev/null \*(Ba cat -n
> +.D1 $ cat /foo/bar \*(Gt /dev/null 2\*(Gt&1 \*(Ba cat -n
>  .Ss Arithmetic expressions
>  Integer arithmetic expressions can be used with the
>  .Ic let

Did you read the text above the example?


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