In investigating what's needed to install & configure OpenOffice, I see on their 
Website that I have the choice of downloading it with or without the JRE.  Remembering 
some of traffic here discussing the issues of installing/compiling Java 1.5, how stable 
is the Linux JRE on OpenBSD?  Am I better off downloading OpenOffice without the JRE 
& expect to build it myself?  In this case, am I forced to install/compile Java 
before installing OpenOffice?

Thanks for any shared candor.

You don't really need Java to run OpenOffice 2.x. I have downloaded and ran OO with redhat emulation, and after starting OO, it just says it can't find JRE. The program will continue to startup and in the "options" section, you can click on the "java" portion and unselect "Use a Java runtime environment"

I've had no problems with OO 2.x. I've been told that certain applications will not work with this, but I use writer, calc, and impress with no issues...



"You're either right, or you're happy... you can't be both"
--husband's creed

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