misiu wrote:
Hello all,

I'm new to OpenBSD, I installed it a few times but than did not know what to do realy. Right now I'm little more experienced with Linux and I thought give it a nother try.
Now I'm runnin an Openbsd 3.9 Box.
Default setup. I try to run a Webmailbox and later Openvpn.
It did not work so I searched long for an answer. I started httpd -u and
now Openwebmail is running. I read allso that it is insecure, how can I run httpd chrooted and Openwebmail? Did not find any (for me understandable) answer. Openwebmail is not good explained too. Has anyone installed it ? (I guess for shure) would that one please contact me offlist?
I don't whant step by step help just to shed a little light in....

You read this right?


May be the section on:

Example of chroot(2)ing an app: wwwcount

might give the idea you need to do.

In short you need to have all files needed to be access by httpd inside the chroot setup to get it to work.


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