I think the original reply had the right idea.

Look at

to quote-

"Currently the only program that Ted has gotten fully working with the
new library is xmms. Comparing the new library to the old, Ted
commented, 'when xmms was playing, you could scroll the playlist which
would cause the program to read mp3 headers from 100 different files and
your music would start skipping. It doesn't do that anymore.'"

Dan Farrell
Applied Innovations

-----Original Message-----
Of Antoine Jacoutot
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 3:04 AM
To: Martin Toft
Cc: misc@openbsd.org
Subject: Re: xmms does not run smoothly

On Sun, 21 May 2006, Martin Toft wrote:
> Actually, I already use the option "read info on load", so I do not 
> experience freezes when scrolling my playlist. However, the freezes
> frequently anyway, e.g. when xmms opens a dialog that reads directory 
> information from the disk, and therefore still annoys me. I suspect
> version" of the problem is a bit different from what other people
> since the execution of heavy programs, such as Mozilla Firefox and 
> Thunderbird, also disturbs xmms and causes short lags in the sound.

I've been experiencing the exact same problem you describe. I've never 
looked for a solution though since I always took OpenBSD for a server 
operating system. I have a Linux box lying around for when I want to 
listen to music, play videos...

Maybe the new kernel threads will make the problem go away, I have no 



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