On Tue, May 30, 2006 at 05:23:53PM +0200, Dries Schellekens wrote:
> Peter Blair wrote:
> >Are you saying that OpenBSD is targetted as a Dom0 OS?  I couldn't
> >tell from the above mentioned links.
> No, I think the goal is to run OpenBSD as DomU.
> It seems NetBSD can run in Dom0, so OpenBSD could as well. Ideally, Dom0
> should of course be running something small/minimal, and not a complete
> Linux/NetBSD/... like it is the case now, to keep the size of the TCB
> smaller.

Sort of ... dom0 is also in charge of managing the physical device
drivers (not Xen), so you can't just strip it down that much.  The
guest domain kernels are tiny however, as they only need virtual
device drivers for block/network storage.

The eventual plan is to get dom0 support in OpenBSD; we'll see how
long it takes.

Anil Madhavapeddy                                 http://anil.recoil.org
University of Cambridge                          http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk

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