On Thu, Jun 08, 2006 at 01:08:04AM -0500, Michael White wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm attempting my first install of OpenBSD (version 3.9) on an HP Omnibook 
> 800CT (Pentium 166, 80 MB RAM, 4.3 GB HD, 3COM 3CXEM556 Carbus Ethernet 
> card), coming over from RH9.0.  One peculiarity of the 800CTs is that the 
> SCSI CDROM is not bootable, so I'm down to booting with floppies.
> I first attempted to boot from "floppyC39.fs", since that's supposed to be 
> the 
> image for laptops.  Well, it does recognize my Ethernet card, but seems to 
> choke on the hard drive.  After recognizing the Ethernet card, I see the 
> following:
> ----------------------------------------------
> wd0(wdc0:0:0): timeout
>       type: ata
>       c_bcount: 512
>       c_skip: 0
> wd0(wdc0:0:0): timeout
>       type: ata
>       c_bcount: 512
>       c_skip: 0
> WARNING: preposterous time in file system
> WARNING: file system time much less than clock time
> ----------------------------------------------
> After that, the machine is locked up.  So I boot from "floppy39.fs" instead.  
> That had no problem with the hard drive.  I was able to successfully 
> partition the drive.  But that image does not recognize my Ethernet card, so 
> I'm unable to retrieve any images (didn't see an option for PPP).
> Even after formatting the hard drive under the "floppy39.s" floppy, the 
> "floppyC39.fs" floppy chokes on the hard drive.
> Is there any way to combine the two capabilities?  I.e. dropping to the 
> shell, 

Do you know if either or both of those recognize your CD? If so, you can
download the install sets and burn them on CD, and do your install from
there w/out ethernet. If you've got access to a burner that's probably
the simpler way to go. Or try out the Xircom and see if it works.

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  http://bsd.phoenix.az.us/
http://www.stilyagin.com/  |

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