On Fri, Jun 09, 2006 at 09:35:17AM +0200, Toni Mueller wrote:
> Ugh. WHY do they do this? Naively, I would assume that producing a
> larger quantity of the same thing (which works) should be cheaper than
> supporting an ever-changing zoo of devices, also for them? But then I
> may have overlooked something significant.

My guess (based on no more knowledge than anyone else on this list
has) is that the vendors are thrift shoppers.  They get some special
discount from different manufacturers at different times, and they
don't care that the chips are slightly different because they have the
full specs of the hardware they buy and the sources to their
Windows-only drivers, which are easy to modify in support of the
various bits of hardware.  It might even be a self-perpetuating thing
too - consider that they buy a metric ton of 802.11g chips at some
discount price (say US $5/chip).  Their business model suddenly
becomes predicated on being able to get chips at that price for all
eternity.  When those chips are used up and the manufacturer is no
longer offering the discount (now they want $7/chip), they are then
forced to shop around for a manufacturer that will sell them chips for
the $5 price.

Again, this is just a guess.  I have no special knowledge of the
workings of such things.


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