On Fri, 09 Jun 2006 16:40:19 +0200
Kyrre Nygard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello!
> Just a wild thought here ...
> After noticing how much simpler it is using tags, for instance
> with my bookmarks at http://del.icio.us -- compared to hours of
> frustration trying find the right combination of folders and
> sub folders in my Firefox' bookmarks.html, I was wondering
> if the same approach could be used to arrange the UNIX filesystem
> hierarchy, from the root and up. This is just a radical thought,
> not yet an idea even -- but if somebody would be willing to think
> with me -- maybe we could make a big change.
> All the best,
> Kyrre

That's what we effectively have now -- the directory names and the file
names ARE (i.e. serve the same purpose as) the tags.  The purpose of the
tags would be to logically organize the files.  The file structure does
that, and more.

So if you are interested in searching files belonging to the user name
kyrreny, look at /home/kyrreny and there they are.  If you want to
refine the search a bit, say you are interested in your .pgp keys, look
in /home/kyrreny/.pgp and there are the keys.

If you are compiling a program and need errno.h, just look in
/usr/include and there it is.

Eric Johnson

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