On 6/15/06, Bob Bostwick (Lists) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm trying to setup an NFS share, and am getting horrible write
performance.  Reads are fast as can be expected.  I've searched the
archives and found several threads on the subject, but no resolutions.
I've tried all possible fstab options (that I know of) but none really
help with write.  I'm currently using....

ip.addr:/nfs /test/dir nfs rw,nodev,nosuid,tcp,intr,-r=32768,-w=32768 0 0

I've found (after various tests) with with an OpenBSD (3.8) server and
Linux client, that I get the best performance with:


This gives out 8MB/s for both read and write with my hardware.

YMMV, but one thing I did notice is that large rsize/wsize didn't
necessarily translate to better performance.

-- ach

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