On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 11:20:44AM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2006/06/17 11:38, Bihlmaier Andreas wrote:
> > Could you elaborate on this, since that was my first thought how to do
> > it, but it didn't work (and doesn't), do I need a special -F flag?
> > 
> > setenv PKG_PATH $OBSD_FTP/snapshots/packages/i386/
> > setenv PKG_CACHE $HOME
> > 
> > Results in:
> > /usr/sbin/pkg_add should be run as root
> > parsing kdebase-3.5.3
> > Can't install kdebase-3.5.3 because of conflicts (kdebase-3.5.1p4)
> > /usr/sbin/pkg_add: kdebase-3.5.3:Fatal error
> This doesn't work because:
> 1. you already have an older version installed.
> Add -r (replace) to the command line.
> 2. you mix -current packages and -stable OS.

I know this quite well (using OpenBSD since quite a while), but you have
to read the previous mail I was responding to.
Marc Espie said that I could use "pkg_add -n ..." (-n => Do not install)
to fetch a package together with it's dependencies, but that doesn't
work because pkg_add does checks ...


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