Ted Unangst wrote:

since everybody should be
using softupdates, this shouldn't be much of a real problem.

I seem to remember a discussion some time ago concerning whether to use softdep or not, and I got the impression that softupdates was not necessarily always the best thing. In the end I think it was some statement of adding unneccesary complexity that made me disable softupdates for most of my partitions.

Two issues, AFAICR (cluebats are welcome), are/were:
- Increased delay between write(2) and storing on disk.
- Temporary extra use of disk space (problem for small partitions?)

Furthermore, is there any point in using softdeps for partitions like /, /usr/local etc, whith are seldom written to?

Has softupdates improved and/or are those statements still somewhat valid? Are there some specific applications where softupdates should not be used?


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