[from a few days ago]

Chris Smith wrote:
I am a n00b.

you missed:
The system still chokes with a DMA timeout after ~30mins of
heavy stuff (I was compiling /usr/ports/x11/gnome as something I knew
would take forever).

Is this a self-inflicted wound?:

possibly, though sounds like a bug. However, lack of dmesg and precise messages/symptoms leaves doubt.

OpenBSD is the only partition on wd0, and I hurried through the
partitioning, basically chunking the disk evenly across /,
/usr, /var, and /usr/x11 per the installation pamphlet.

"If I got the disk, I got to allocate it". Don't do that. Allocate what you need, and save the rest for later. Otherwise, you will spend lots of time watching your 99.9% empty partition fsck.

Do you have ANY IDEA how big 300G is?
Can you imagine how much paper tape it would take to back it up??
(years ago, when I first started working in the computer industry, a friend and I were drooling over the potential of a hard disk...and we asked that question. The "endless" hard disk in question? 10M. Hint: 10 bytes per inch on paper tape).

a) Could naive partitioning on a fat IDE drive put enough latency into
   the system that a DMA timeout will inevitably happen?

Not even sure what you are saying, but no.
I have 500M partitions on 1T drives in production (three 500G drives in an Accusys RAID5 box). Works great.

b) Should I punt and beg my wife for enough cash to replace the motherboard?

possibly. Or a $30 add-on card that works better. Or $5 for a better cable. :)

c) Given C/H/S values of 36481, 255, and 63 what would be a reasonable
   partition scheme for a "home server" box?  (Failing that, pointers
   to previous discussion would be great).

However, your partitioning can be a problem without it being the problem you are complaining about.


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