On Thu, Jun 22, 2006 at 05:08:07PM +0200, Dries Schellekens wrote:
> Bihlmaier Andreas wrote:
> >My problem with the speed is that compared to the performance I get out
> >of openssl (by USERcrypto) the IPSEC (in kernel) performance is terrible.
> >
> >AFAIK right now it doesn't even make use of the crypto hardware because
> >I can get the same throughput with a comparable fast CPU (without crypto
> >hardware).
> This explained on http://www.openbsd.org/crypto.html
> "VIA C3 CPUs with a step 8 or later Nehemiah core contains an AES 
> implementation accessible via simple instructions. As of 3.4 the kernel 
> supports them to be used in an IPsec context and exported by 
> /dev/crypto. As of 3.5 performances have been greatly improved and 
> OpenSSL now uses the new instruction directly when available without the 
> need to enter the kernel, resulting in vastly improved speed (AES-128 
> measured at 780MByte/sec) for applications using OpenSSL to perform AES 
> encryption."
> As I say earlier, the hardware is working, but the performance 
> bottleneck is elsewhere (presumably kernel crypto framework).
> Cheers,
> Dries

I'm sorry, I didn't get it the first time, but I get it know :)
This is what I was seeking for, an answer.
Now I have to greatly improve my C skills in search for a solution ;)


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