Can someone please point me in the right direction (with a clue by four) on how to do this?

(from the dump manpage)

If dump receives a SIGINFO signal (see the ``status'' argument of
stty(1)) whilst a backup is in progress, statistics on the amount com-
pleted, current transfer rate, and estimated finished time, will be writ-
ten to the standard error output.

Here's what I'm trying to do.

I have about 30GB of compressed windows crap from the samba server that I need to backup. Until I can get the users here to clean some of this cruft out, I'm doing level 0 dumps daily. This needs two DDS-4 tapes. If I cron this, the job always fails because there is no one here to change the tape in the wee hours of the morning.

I can start the job during the day from a console, and when I do, I have to sort of monitor it to see when the first tape has been filled. When dump hits the end of the tape, it will wait until it gets a "yes" or "no" answer to the question about whether or not volume 2 is mounted. I can't just hit the eject button on the tape drive, though, I have to switch to another console, sudo mt rewind, and an eject /de/st0, then load the second tape, and switch back to the console with the job and enter "yes".

I know there are improvements to this most primitive setup. I could do a level 0 and then daily level 1s and then the full dump should easily fit on one tape. But the base level is changing pretty rapidly, so if possible, I'd like to stick to level 0s and write a shell script that can monitor dump's progress. If it's possible to determine from the SIGINFO information that dump is waiting for a tape, I'l like to be able to issue the rewind and eject commands, and when that's done shoot an e-mail to me to remind to change the tape.

And there I'm stuck. So, just how the heck do I get that SIGINFO information from dump?



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