On Thu, Jun 29, 2006 at 11:25:42AM +0100, Tom Beard wrote:
> Is anyone aware of a memory leak in bgpd?
> I am running two instances, both on clean installs of OpenBSD 3.9 and 
> both seem to be eating memory like there is no tomorrow.
> Both instances have the same setup, 1 full view, ~15 peering sessions 
> with just a few routes each and an internal session to each other.  I 
> have softreconfig set to no in and out for all sessions and both 
> instances use ~85M when started however over the next day or two this 
> will keep on climbing until they reach ~800M at which point the box 
> seems to crash and burn.
> I would be interested to know if anyone else has seen this behaviour or 
> has any idea what could be causing it.

Run -stable there was at least one memory leak in the communities handling
got fixed. I currently don't know of any other mem leak.

:wq Claudio

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