On Thu, Jun 29, 2006 at 02:00:17PM -0700, John Brahy wrote:
> At first I didn't understand the reason for all the partitions (
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/openbsd/2001-01/1654.html) now I
> can't have enough partitions
> In my official OpenBSD CD sleeve it says to create these partitions:
> /
> swap
> /tmp
> /var
> /usr
> /home
> and over time I have learned to appreciate these, but lately I have been
> creating more partitions
> /usr/src
> /usr/obj
> are two of the ones that are suggested when rebuilding my system and I
> definitely like the speed of doing a newfs to /usr/obj

Mwah... don't go overboard. rm'ing the whole thing doesn't take a
noticeable amount of time compared to *building* the tree, if you have
softupdates enabled at least.

> I also have been putting mysql on it's own partition and then I got a little
> crazier and added more partitions and my list has grown to this:
> /
> /home
> /tmp
> /var
> /var/mysql
> /usr
> /usr/local
> /usr/src
> /usr/obj
> /usr/Xbld
> /usr/XF4
> /usr/local
> /virtualhosts
> So am I going overboard? or am I missing any good partions.

I wouldn't use /usr/Xbld and /usr/obj - if you want a build partition,
just mount a /usr/bld, mkdir /usr/bld/{Xbld,obj}, and add symlinks where
appropriate. This is more efficient, too, as you would rarely need Xbld
and obj at the same time.

Similarly, I don't see the point in having /usr, /usr/XF4, and

However, /virtualhosts suggests that you don't run Apache with chroot.
If this is the case, don't do that. ;-)

OTOH, I do strive to have one daemon - or, at least, 'function' per
partition, explicitly for the reason you mention below - protecting the
rest of the system from being brough to a halt by someone filling a
partition. So /var/mysql would be a good idea, though I personally
believe /var/postgresql to be a better idea.

In this vein, you could create a /var/log - as much to prevent the
logging daemon from the rest of the /var-using daemons as vice versa,
really, as log files can grow very fast under the 'proper'

Depending on functions, you may want to add /var/mail, /var/www, and so

> when I first posted Nick Holland replied with several reasons to have
> multiple partions. Those being security, fragmentation, protecting the
> filesystem from overfilling, organization and space tracking.
> does increasing the amount of partitions increase access to the files on
> that partition?

I don't really understand what you are trying to say here... but no, the
amount of accesses to a given file is independent on the partitions it
is on, all other things being equal.


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