Don't respond to this mail. Problem got solved, a powercut and a toasted 
exports file.

On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 22:44:51 +0200
Rico Secada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi
> I am having problems with one of our NFS servers at our datacenter. 
> I have just set it up.
> I have edited /etc/rc.conf and changes the portmap and nfs_server to YES.
> I have created the /var/db/mountdtab file.
> I have made an entry to /etc/exports
> When I reboot the machine and take a look with rpcinfo, I only get portmapper 
> running.
> # rpcinfo -p
>    program vers proto   port
>     100000    2   tcp    111  portmapper
>     100000    2   udp    111  portmapper
> If I try manually to start nfsd, it won't start.
> Looking at the log of daemon I get:
> # cat /var/log/daemon
> Jun 30 00:27:11 nfsserver savecore: no core dump
> What could be wrong here?
> Best and kind regards,
> Rico

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