J.C. Roberts wrote:
On Fri, 30 Jun 2006 14:27:53 -0400, "Nick Guenther" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On 6/30/06, Breen Ouellette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
J.C. Roberts wrote:
This should take care of any of the long standing issues OpenBSD has had
with the HiFn's procedures for releasing documentation.
This is good news. Thanks for your contribution!

To all the nay-sayers out there: this proves that sometimes companies do
'get' their customers' wishes. Consumer action does work - as long as
the consumer actually gets involved. While you might not always be able
to get the attention of companies through consumer action, apathetically
accepting the status quo guarantees that you never will.

Thanks to everyone who got involved - you proved that "somewhat open" is
no more acceptable than "not at all open" by bringing Hifn on board.


PS - Someone who participates in editing vendorwatch.org might want to
update the Hifn status page.
Done, but I've left their ranking as "unfriendly" on the front page
because they've given no apology and they still seem to be shady.

If someone could add the links to the slashdot/newsforge/whereverelse
stories that would be helpful though.


Hi Nick,

Sure, with the help of many people, we were able to get a policy change
made to open documentation at HiFn. It was not a solo effort, so I
should not get all the credit. I just happened to be the person the
vendor contacted regarding their changes.

But you sure deserve good credit regardless how it was done. You finally make it possible. Many have express their point of view, I sure did too. To see the end results is a nice turn of event and does show that in the end, may be it took a long time, but HiFn finally got the point and does see the benefit for them as well as us.

I'd like to request that you change the HiFn status to at least
"Somewhat Friendly" on the www.vendorwatch.org site. Yes, I have created
an account on the site and may be able to make the change myself, but
due to my involvement, I can't be considered unbiased and should not
editing the status.

I've also submitted stories about the change of policy at HiFn to both
slashdot and undeadly, but obviously, I have no control over whether or
not they ever get published.

I'm sure many may wonder why I would try to help out HiFn but
personally, I think it's just a matter of being fair. Just as a bad
policy should be condemned, I think a change to a good policy should be

Agreed as well. It's just fair to see them presented as it is. "Somewhat Friendly" is really where they are now, so would be fair to do that.

You may want to note that opinions differ around here and not everyone
involved with the project agrees with the way I see it but personally,
I'd rather let water under the bridge be past and move on to trying to
solve the next problem.

I am sure there is many, but we all share the same goal I think. Getting good documentations is the end goal, however we get there.

Kind Regards,

Thanks for your positive involvements!


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