On Tuesday 04 July 2006 16:30, FTP wrote:
> Well, actually I did exactly what's described in the "man 8 ssl" page
> (which by the way is mentioned in http://openbsd.org/faq/faq10.html#HTTPS)
> but firefox returns an error when accessing my server via https. As I
> mentioned in a previous e-mail, lynx displays a message saying: SSL
> error:self signed certificate-Continue? (y)

As someone who followed faq10 just today I can for certain say that the 
procedure works.
I dont know why Firefox dont like you cert because if you follow faq10 it just 
works, with firefox, lynx and konqueror.
What error does firefox show?

> Now, am I the only one who's using a self-signed cert or am I doing
> something fundamentaly wrong in my setup???

Nothing is wrong in your setup if Lynx shows the page after prompting you to 
confirm the self-signed certificate.

> I'm surprised to face this kind of problems with Apache.

How can it be any easier than just cut-n-pasting the commands from the faq?
Took me a whole 2 minutes.

Lars Hansson

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