Some days ago I read a question related to encrypting a partition.
I just know that swap gets encrypted automaticly.
Wouldn`t it be possible to encrypt also /tmp and /var/tmp also automaticly
with the same mechanism wich is used to encrypt the SWAP?

Somebody mentioned that encrypting /tmp would be needed to because many
applicatiosn store their temp. data there (wich is mostly correct).

I didn`t posted that question to tech because misc@ is a better place but
maybe a developer could answer my question.
I thought about the statement that encrypting /tmp and /var/tmp is a good
idea and I would angree so are there any (technical?) reasons that can`t
be done even if a user does not use svnds?
And btw: wouldn`t it be better to use rm -P for /tmp/*  (or even -P as
default for rm?)?

Kind regards,

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