On Wed, Jul 05, 2006 at 12:09:49PM -0600, Stephen Bosch wrote:
| Otto Moerbeek wrote:
| > On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, Stephen Bosch wrote:
| >
| >> Does tcpdump work on enc0?
| >
| > Are you really too lazy to read a manual page?
| And for the record -- since some people found that question beyond the
| pale -- I have been tcpdumping enc0 all morning and I am seeing no
| traffic, inspite of the fact that I have active SAs up and running.
| And why?
| Because the man page doesn't mention that tcpdump ignores the host
| parameter when used with enc0 (this is something someone else was kind
| enough to point out, proving that the question wasn't pointless).
| So -- let's try this -- let's fix the man page, instead of being snarky
| and blaming the person asking the question.

Let's try asking more informed questions then. You asked 'Does tcpdump
work on enc0?'. The answer to this question is literally in the
manpage. Had you given some context, you might have gotten more in
depth responses. Here's an example :

        Hey everybody,

        I see in the manpage for enc that tcpdump should
        work on these pseudo-devices. I'm trying right now
        with "tcpdump enc0 host" but I don't see any
        traffic. I do have active SAs up and running, so
        what is going on ? Of course I googled it, but I
        came up empty handed...

        Any response would be appreciated.


        Stephen Bosch

Had you given all the info you're giving us now beforehand in your
single lined posting to this mailing list, I bet you would have gotten
more useful answers. The only one who seems snarky is you, IMO.


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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