On Sat, Jul 08, 2006 at 05:42:39PM +0200, Tobias Ulmer wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 10:18:00PM -0500, Daniel A. Ramaley wrote:
> > If anyone has been lamenting the loss of the bash-static package, this 
> > evening i took the time to figure out how to create something that 
> > works just as well. I peeked in the Makefile for bash on an older 
> > version of OpenBSD to see how the static version differs. The 
> > difference is when compiling bash the CONFIGURE_ENV variable needs to 
> > be set. The full steps i used to build a bash-static package were:

> >     # export CONFIGURE_ENV="LDFLAGS=-static"

> ... makes no sense to me. bash is installed in /usr, the same place where
> all shared libraries are. If /usr does not come up for some reason, you
> can't log in with ssh any more.
> bash needs gettext, c and termcap. The later two are in the base system
> and gettext is needed in nearly any program as dependency. So, it
> doesn't even save space (like you could pkg_delete gettext after compiling
> bash-static)
> shells are static for system maintenance, that is, small file system
> with /bin, /sbin etc., but not /usr, /var, /tmp, ...
> If you really want bash-static to make sense, modify PLIST and install it
> to /bin.

Additionally, it's not like it's difficult to hack the ksh login script
to exec bash instead, provided /usr/local/bin/bash is available. This
provides for a 'convenient' root shell without this sort of strangeness
(also: what happens if you do pkg_add -u?).


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