>I ran into similar failures between versions of OpenBSD (KDC running current
>and older releases on clients) that I was able to debug down to the level of
>detecting an error related to "MIC failures". I think I had to bump up
>debugging on sshd to get that.


yah, this appeared in /var/log/authlog for me.

>You might try this on the client systems' krb5.conf as it took care of the
>problem for me:
>    correct_des3_mic = host/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>... or whatever appropriate wildcard you should have.
>Assuming this works for you, I'd be interested in knowing what the exact
>nature of the problem is, I hate fixing something blindly without knowing
>why it's fixed.

this has fixed most of the problems, except i can't ssh out from the KDC using
kerberos auth. messing with broken_des3_mic = host/[EMAIL PROTECTED] will 
probably fix
that, haven't tried it yet.

i think this reflects that current has heimdal 0.7 and 3.9 release has 0.6. see 
http://www.thebestisp.com/man.php/man/gssapi/3 . again, i have not throroughly
checked this.

thx a bunch,


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