On Tue, Jul 11, 2006 at 01:28:31AM +0200, Inigo Tejedor Arrondo wrote:
> Sorry for my bad english. I'm new at this mailing list.
> I'm a newbye and I have a dude that i don't see in the manual, www,
> etc ...
> I have installed 3 machines with puffy and a web server, a very sort
> experience. One of them is a compaq armada 1700 (P2 266/160mb) repaired
> with a 14" (?) screen from another laptop.
> I see a black border on the consoles (ttyC0, ttyC1,...) and also in
> debian i have the same problem. On debian I correct it with the
> parameter vga=791 at grub... Now the machine has only openbsd (3.9), and
> I would like to take advantage of all the screen.
> There are some way to obtain it? or some table of values, similar to the
> framebuffer of linux ... and where i put the parameter... (or what
> wonderful man page have i to read)
> Thanks
> Inigo
> P.D. I'm impressed with the performance and the quality of openbsd, I
> have been using linux for 10 years, and now that I have discovered
> openbsd, I'm newly in love with my machines  :) thanks to all
> --
> http://navarrux.org

There is no framebuffer support for i386 in OpenBSD. Just use X for
this purpose.


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