> On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 11:03:02 -0400, "Dan Farrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> said:
> > I had respect for Theo before the American comment. It was
> > unnecessary, out of line, and damaging to the OBSD effort as a
> > whole. You couldn't make your point without getting ugly, eh?

Oh shutup. You're of the mentailty that you should never have to be
offended. Too bad, it happens. 

What I have respect for is a person who speaks their mind, makes their
position clear, and has no regard for politics.

Oh noes! Theo made an anti-American comment! Well we need all the anti-
bull**** comments we can get about stupid policy, stupid wars, stupid
everything! Infact, Theo has got that original American spirit--freedom
from tyrrany, freedom of speech, freedom do do as he pleases. That's
what being American is all about, freedom. 

Wars, wartime policy, domestic surveilance, asinine export laws, (crypto
is a munition? pass the spoon!) skewing the system of checks and
balances, loading the courts with fundamentalists, etc, is as un-
American as you can get.


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