On Sun, 16 Jul 2006, Gustavo Rios wrote:

> Ok, here you have it:

I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna go though this bit flag mess. 

Until you come up with a simple (let's say less than 10 lines) piece
of code to demonstrate the porblem you're seeing, my conclusion is the
bug is hiding in your code.


> Code for apx_setuid :
> #include <unistd.h>
> long
> apx_setsid(void)
> {
>        return setsid();
> }
> Code for apx_setpgid :
> #include <unistd.h>
> int
> apx_setpgid(const long p, const long g)
> {
>        return setpgid((pid_t)p, (pid_t)g);
> }
> Code for sux (main.c) : (the relevant part is option -s and function do_sid)
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <grp.h>
> #include <pwd.h>
> #include "abf.h"
> #include "amp.h"
> #include "apx.h"
> #include "msc.h"
> #include "rsc.h"
> #include "sdb.h"
> extern int      r2e             __P((int));
> extern void     wrn             __P((int)),
>                die             __P((int));
> static int
> do_env(const xlong f, const char *e)
> {
>        struct amp      a;
>        xlong           n, x;
>        int             r = 0;
>        if (f) *apx_environ = NULL;
>        if (e) {
>                amp_opn(&a);
>                r = env_h2b(&a, e, apx_strlen(e));
>                if (!r) for (e = a.b, n = a.s.x; n; e += x, n -= x) {
>                        if (!(x = chr(e, n, '+'))) break;
>                        if (r = apx_putenv(e + x)) break;
>                }
>                amp_cls(&a);
>        }
>        return r;
> }
> static int
> do_dir(const char * const d)
> {
>        return d ? apx_chdir(d) : 0;
> }
> static long
> do_fork(const xlong f)
> {
>        return f ? apx_fork() : 0l;
> }
> static int
> do_sid(const xlong f)
> {
>        int     r;
>        if (r = 0, f & 1)
>                if (f & 2) { if (apx_setsid() == -1) r = -1; }
>                else r = apx_setpgid(0l, apx_getpid());
>        return r;
> }
> static int
> do_prio(const char * const s)
> {
>        xlong   x;
>        int     r;
>        if (r = 0, s) {
>                if (!scn_u(&x, s)) r = 5;
>                if (!r) r = apx_setprio(prio_process, 0l, (int)x);
>        }
>        return r;
> }
> static int
> do_ioe(const char * const s)
> {
>        xlong   x;
>        int     r;
>        if (r = 0, s) {
>                if (!scn_x(&x, s)) r = 5;
>                if (!r) r = apx_setioe((int)x, NULL, NULL);
>        }
>        return r;
> }
> static int
> do_rsc(const char * const s)
> {
>        struct sdb      sd;
>        struct rsc      rs;
>        xlong           i;
>        int             r;
>        rsc_opn(&rs);
>        sdb_opn(&sd);
>        r = s ? getrsc(&rs, &sd, s) : 0;
>        if (!r) for (i = 0; i < rs.sze.x; i++)
>                (void)apx_setrlmt(rs.rds[i].idx, &rs.rds[i].val);
>        sdb_cls(&sd);
>        rsc_cls(&rs);
>        return r;
> }
> static int
> do_crd(const char * const u, const char * const g, const char * const G)
> {
>        struct passwd   *pwd = NULL;
>        struct group    *grp = NULL;
>        struct amp      a;
>        xlong           v;
>        xadk32_t        s[ngroups_max];
>        int             r = 0;
>        char            *p;
>        if (u) if (!(pwd = getpwnam(u))) r = 4;
>        if (!r) if (g) if (!(grp = getgrnam(g))) r = 4;
>        if (!r) {
>                v = grp ? grp->gr_gid : pwd ? pwd->pw_gid : -1ul;
>                if (v + 1) r = apx_setgid(v);
>        }
>        if (!r) if (G) {
>                amp_opn(&a);
>                r = amp_mem(&a, G, apx_strlen(G));
>                if (!r) r = amp_chr(&a, '\0');
>                if (!r) {
>                        for (p = a.b; *p; p++) if (*p == ',') *p = '\0';
>                        for (v = 0, p = a.b; p - a.b < a.s.x; v++, p++) {
>                                if (v == ngroups_max) break;
>                                if (!(grp = getgrnam(p))) break;
>                                s[v] = grp->gr_gid;
>                                while (*p) p++;
>                        }
>                        if (p - a.b < a.s.x) if (v < ngroups_max) r = 4;
>                }
>                amp_cls(&a);
>                if (!r) if (!v) r = 5;
>                if (!r) r = apx_setgrp(s, v);
>        }
>        if (!r) if (pwd) r = apx_setuid(0ul+pwd->pw_uid);
>        return r;
> }
> static int
> do_exec(char **a)
> {
>        (void)apx_execve(*a, a + 1, apx_environ);
>        return 2;
> }
> static long
> __chk(char *s[8])
> {
>        xlong   n;
>        for (n = 8; n; n--) if (s[n - 1]) break;
>        return n;
> }
> int
> main(int argc, char **argv)
> {
>        xlong   i, f;
>        int     r;
>        char    *s[8],
>                o[] = "fspeu:g:G:d:n:E:x:r:";
>        apx_memset(s, 0, sizeof s);
>        apx_opterr = 0;
>        i = f = 0;
>        while ((r = apx_getopt(argc, argv, o)) + 1)
>                switch (r) {
>                case 'f' : f |= 1; break;
>                case 's' : f |= 2, f |= 4; break;
>                case 'p' : f |= 2, f &= ~4; break;
>                case 'e' : f |= 8; break;
>                case 'u' : s[0] = apx_optarg; break;
>                case 'g' : s[1] = apx_optarg; break;
>                case 'G' : s[2] = apx_optarg; break;
>                case 'd' : s[3] = apx_optarg; break;
>                case 'n' : s[4] = apx_optarg; break;
>                case 'E' : s[5] = apx_optarg; break;
>                case 'x' : s[6] = apx_optarg; break;
>                case 'r' : s[7] = apx_optarg; break;
>                }
>        argc -= apx_optind, argv += apx_optind;
>        r = f || __chk(s) ? 0 : argc < 3 ? 1 : (s[0] = *argv++, argc--, 0);
>        if (!r) r = do_env(f & 8, s[5]);
>        if (!r) r = do_dir(s[3]);
>        if (!r) if ((i = do_fork(f & 1)) == -1) r = -1;
>        /* from now on, only in the child context if forked */
>        if (!i) {
>                if (!r) r = do_sid(f & 6 >> 1);
>                if (!r) r = do_prio(s[4]);
>                if (!r) r = do_rsc(s[7]);
>                if (!r) r = do_crd(s[0], s[1], s[2]);
>                if (!r) r = do_ioe(s[6]);
>                if (!r) r = do_exec(argv);
>        }
>        wrn(r);
>        if (abf_cmt()) if (!r || r == 4) r = -1;
>        return r2e(r);
> }
> On 7/16/06, Otto Moerbeek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > On Sun, 16 Jul 2006, Gustavo Rios wrote:
> > 
> > > Hey folks,
> > >
> > > i am trying to set a process as the session leader of its own. I wrote
> > > a simple program that handles that. It is working when i call it from
> > > my shell command line:
> > >
> > > $ sux -s -e -E \
> > >
> > PATH==/home/grios/.bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/games:/asd/bin:/asd/sbin:/asd/thr=,ASDROOT==/asd=
> > > /asd/sbin/algr algr argm ............
> > >
> > > But when i write a simple shell script like in :
> > >
> > > #!/bin/sh
> > > sux -s -e -E \
> > >
> > PATH==/home/grios/.bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/games:/asd/bin:/asd/sbin:/asd/thr=,ASDROOT==/asd=
> > > /asd/sbin/algr algr argm ............
> > >
> > > The process is not put on its own session as a leader the (setsid)
> > > returns no errors.
> > >
> > > Does anybody have any ideia what the behavior problem i am not seeing ?
> > 
> > Please show the code.
> > 
> > How do you check if the program has become session leader?
> > 
> > Any other process group/session stuff being done in your program?
> > 
> >         -Otto

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