On 7/19/06, Richard Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I regularly use nload on Linux to get a quick and dirty view of how much
bandwidth something is using.
It doesn't seem to be in stock 3.9, and I can't find it in ports either.
Fair enough, it's not there.
But a quick google reveals that back in November 2002 it was being
worked on as a port (Thank you Neohapsis :-) although the actual conent
of the posts I found wasn't that encouraging.
Did it ever make it in? Might it at some point? Possibly a better
question, is there something similar/better already there?
If not, I expect I can compile it from source myself, but I'm probably
missing something...
ntop comes to mind, for i386 there is a package
more info: http://www.openbsd.org/3.9_packages/i386/ntop-1.1.tgz-long.html