> It's a stab in the dark but I would start with the assumption that some
> sites are using server load balancing and that "reassemble tcp" is
> breaking this somehow.

Could be. Lets suspect "poor load balancing" because other big sites,
which most likely do load balancing too, work. eBay is just the prime
example where it does not...

> Then I'd try and prove that assumption by looking
> at the tcpdumps specifically for how "reassemble tcp" changes may be
> interfering.

I'd have hoped that there is a less tedious solution... ;-)

> Get tcpdumps on both router interfaces with and without the "reassemble
> tcp" option. Do this for a similar file on both a working website and
> broken (ebay) website.

On both router interfaces? Wouldn't the external if be enough?

> Tips on doing this:

[well appreciated tips cut]

> Then load the comparable captures into Ethereal/Wireshark and stare at
> them until it makes sense :-)

That's the tedious part! ;-)

Thanks, Walter

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