On Thu, Jul 20, 2006 at 10:54:28PM +0530, Rahul Sharma wrote:
> Hi Peter Phillips,
> It is not Mr. Eric Pancer but me (rahulthehacker) who is asking for help on
> dhcpd lease.
> Now it is because of you "Mr. Mind" that till last month I didnot believe on
> Communities (like openBSD) but after joining this community I come to know
> abt. the power of open system.
> But it is due to u Mastermind that some body like me are still far away from
> this community.
> I am not speak any Martian also.
> But sorry to tell u change ur attitude plz
> Rahul

Hi Rahul!

Listen.  Don't get me wrong.  You are almighty, I know that.  What we need to
do now is write only privately "very quiet" between the two of us and we'll
take over the world together ok?  Share your problems with me in private
mail and we'll figure out a way together.  TTYL.



Here my ticker tape .signature #### My name is Peter Philipp #### lynx -dump 
"http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pufferfish&oldid=20768394"; | sed -n 
131,136p #### So long and thanks for all the fish!!!

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