Thank you everyone. 
  Good meaningful suggestions from all. ...
  I got OpenWebMail installed, and am in the process of reading through what I 
need to do to configure it for use. Thanks again everyone. 

Marcus Barczak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  On 21/07/2006, at 2:28 PM, Rob Baldassano wrote:

> The error is:
> openwembail-2.51:Can't find p5-Compress-Zlib-1.35:Fatal error
> I looked through the pkg_info results on openwebmail, and 
> couldn't find any dependencies.

That's a Perl 5 module Compress::Zlib. You should find it in /usr/ 
ports/devel or something along those lines. Install that then try 
openwebmail again.


Eirik Goransson / Rob Baldassano
Member, Barony of Endless Hills; 
House Odlahorde; 
Viking & All around Good Egg ; 
VROC #5029 (Tigger)
come visit 
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