Spruell, Darren-Perot wrote:
From: Pekka Niiranen
I installed OpenBSD/current on 8.July because the official v3.9
had a nasty bug: if I did not keep on pressing "enter " during
dmesg -listings of boot, the keyboard did not respond at logon prompt.
I am using AMD64 with Linksys KVM dual port switch.

OpenBSD v3.8 did not have this "losing keyboard during boot" -bug.

The current version installed on 8.July had worhed OK,
but todays version (20.July) has this same problem again.

Have you taken the KVM out of the picture, and just tested with a keyboard
directly attached?


No I have not, because I had no problems with v3.8 and current 7/July.
Somebody else wrote earlier on about similar problem
and answer given to him was "use current".

Beforehand I lost mouse when switching between Windows
and OpenBSD with Belkin KVM, but moving to Linksys solved
the issue.


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