While can't sleeping in my hot room, I started a website for
documentation. I used to contribute to openbsdsupport.org but when the
webmaster was very busy and a reply took more than two months if there
was any at all I decided to run something more up2date on my own.

the next section below is directly cut && paste from the site
My main goal with this site is to share documents that can be useful
to other OpenBSD users. Everyone is free to contribute. I will share
accounts so creative people can open their minds and help others by
writing tutorials.

The project is just a place where we can gather tutorials written by
users. There's always something that was a little tricky, write a
solution and drop it to my email.

URL: http://opendoc.lindesign.se (the page is in a very early stage)

I look forward to recieve your document/script!

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