On Mon, 24 Jul 2006 12:10:53 +0200 (CEST)
Xavier Mertens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake:

Hi Gurus,

I'm facing a strange and frustrating problem...
I run a box with OpenBSD without problem for a while (>2 years).
It's still running 3.5 (ok, ok, don't shoot, it's an old one but upgrades are 
not easy). It's an i386 1U in a safe environment (colo)
See attached dmesg below.

For two weeks now, the box freezes randomly... No ping, no activity, capslock/keyboard 
don't work, no error on the console. The only solution is the "magic-button" :(

I tested the disks: ok
I replaced memory modules: ok (+memtest)
I replaced two fans (for disk cooling)
No new software has been installed not upgraded.
If I check the symon logs, nothing special appends before the "freeze"

Any advice?

How old is the box itself?  Could be a power supply getting flaky.
Without problems for so long, then suddenly this I would lean toward a
hardware problem (does not mean its definitely that).

I had similar symptoms caused by my CPU overheating. Was the CPU fan one of the fans you replaced or is the server room hotter in mid-summer?

-- Ian

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